Jaw Pain

Jaw Pain

Mike Hosseini

Ever wake up with jaw pain that makes it impossible to fully open your mouth when brushing your teeth, or eating breakfast? what you are most likely suffering from is jaw pain, better known as temporomandibular joint disorder, or tmj dysfunction. 

So what is theTMJ? 

the tmj is a hinge joints that attaches your jawbone to your skull. there are many muscles, ligaments, discs and bones that create this important joint that’s main function is to chew food. the tmj has many movements including moving the jaw up and down, side to side, and forward and back. when these movements are compromised, is when someone may be experiencing tmj dysfunction. 

What are symptoms of TMJ dysfunction? 

-point tenderness at the joint 

-aching facial pain

-radiating pain to neck, shoulders, and head

-pain while chewing 


-clicking when opening or closing mouth 

What causes TMJ dysfunction?

there is no real cause of tmj but many risk factors can attribute to it. some of these include:

-constant grinding or clenching your teeth (bruxism) 


-jaw injury 


is there treatment for tmj dysfunction?

Your dentist may be the first point of contact when dealing with tmj issues. if grinding or clenching your jaw at night is the issue, they may fit you for a mouthguard to help with this. they may also refer you to see a physiotherapist, who can help with different treatment techniques such as manual handing, massage techniques, ims and exercise. they can also provide different strategies to help manage at home. these may include eating soft foods, support your jaw when yawning or laughing, self mobilization and other techniques. 

With the increase stress experience during the pandemic, TMJ issues have been on the incline. visit your physiotherapist for helpful tips to help. 


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